Summer Dreams
It's not even winter, and I'm already dreaming of summer...
This summer looks very prominsing indeed. I will be studying abroad, but where oh where should I go? Here are my options:
1. Summer At Sea with Pitt Law: A 2-month cruise on a ship-turned-classroom. Ports of call: Vancouver, Canada ·Sitka, US (Alaska) ·Vladivoskok, Russia · Pusan, Korea ·Shanghai, P.R.C. ·Haiphong (Hanoi), Vietnam ·Keelung, Taiwan · Osaka, Japan · Seattle, US. Price: $6,000.00, includes cruise, classes, 6 units of law school credit, and food. Considering that my school charges $1000 a unit, this program costs exactly the same as if I were to sit on my ass in San Diego and take boring summer school. Factoring in transportation and spending money, this trip will probably cost $10,000.
2. Santa Clara Law Study Abroad in Hong Kong: Another 2 month program. This one offers one month of law study in Hong Kong and a one month internship in an HK or Singapore firm. 7 units of credit. Will cost around $10,000 also. The advantage of this program is that I'll be able to spend more time in one place, and get practical work experience. Also, if I go to HK, I plan on taking time before or after to tour Asia, so I'll still end up seeing different cities.
3. If all else fails, I can always go with my school to Florence and Dublin. 2 months, 9-12 units, counts toward my GPA, but costs $16,000.
Choices, choices....