Monday, October 24, 2005

it is at once heartwarming and horrifying to suddenly realize you are at the age where all your friends and your friends' friends are getting married.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

i am so proud of myself.

so. proud.

i just found and bought a round-trip ticket to Hong Kong from LAX, nonstop, on Cathay Pacific, for $503.00.

Five hundred and three dollars.

plus taxes and airport charges of course, but holy FUCK it's still cheap!

Victory dance!

*wiggle wiggle*

Monday, October 03, 2005


it just sunk in today that i am hopelessly addicted to two things: coffee and sriracha hot sauce. not together, mind you, but they might as well be, since they're sloshiing around in a happy stew in my stomach right now.

i'm the poster child for future heartburn commercials. i can see it now:

"i spent my twenties recklessly drinking caustic liquids that ate away my stomach lining. but thanks to prilosec, i now lead a somewhat normal life."
