Thursday, May 25, 2006

happy happy joy joy

oh yes. just to update, my arm still hurts from the multiple stabbings of last week. it hurts deep inside my arm. i think i have nerve damage.

also, last week a huge pimple took over my chin. it it so big my boyfriend speaks to it. i named the pimple andre. as in andre the giant. andre was obviously male, you see, because what other sex could so ostentatiously invade?

additionally, the day before yesterday i discovered a small irregularly shaped about 1/2 centimeter in diameter pink thing on my leg. i refuse to believe it is just a bug bite. it looks like a miniature festering sore. perhaps i have flesh-eating disease.

or maybe it's just a reflection of my festering soul, which has been progressively eaten away by law school and bar prep.

if i scratch it, it weeps clear liquid, like how my heart weeps when i am sitting through my fourth hour of endless, endless lectures.

i've hit the trifecta! depression, insomnia and hypochondria! what a blessing.

and it's only day 2.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

wow, the insomnia hasn't ever been this bad before. i'm just going to try and stay up until 8pm tonight. that should make me tired enough to knock out.


Here is the transcript of Steven Colbert's speech at the White House Correspondent's dinner, delivered in front of, among others, President Bush.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


it is 8:21 am and i have not slept.

it's the stress. gets me every single semester.

i'm afraid to ask the doctor for sleep drugs for fear i will develop a dependency on them...but right now i sure could use some ambien.