Monday, December 06, 2004


finals are upon me again. so as to not bore/scare/tire everyone with my nonsensical caffeine-induced ranting, i am abstaining from writing until my mind is more clear, which will most likely not occur until after december 14th.

i have really been trying not to let this blog focus on law school, because i feel i am so many things outside the definition of "law student." i don't want my life to revolve around this--there are so many other, much more interesting things to explore.

i started blogging because i wanted to keep writing, and i wanted a place where i could chronicle my thoughts and the happenings in my life. and i hoped that what i had to say would actually be interesting. when i look through my archives, it's sad to see that when i'm in school, the law exerts a gravitational pull on everything i write about--i'm inescapably in orbit. the things i love so much--literature, philosphy, art, travel--are replaced by statutes, rules, and their interpretations. this commitment takes over not only my free time, but creeps into my mind--it changes the way i think, the way i write, the way i perceive situations. i don't necessarily appreciate the kind of person this education has turned me into.

see? even after starting a post about how i don't want to write about law school, i still end up writing about it. sad, sad.

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