Thursday, September 25, 2003

My biggest fear.... that the law is slowly draining away my ability to enjoy life. *gasp*

Wednesday, September 24, 2003

My job at the library circulation desk is pretty boring...but pretty funny. All I have to say is, watch out, people, cuz librarians talk SHIT. I was rifling through a pile of papers on the front desk today and found, hidden in plain sight, a list of stupid things people have asked the reference librarian. Talk about bitter....

Sunday, September 21, 2003

Each year, Project Censored lists the top 25 underreported news stories...

Project Censored - Home

I was especially surprised by #1. I never even new the PNAC existed before today. Very scary.

Monday, September 15, 2003


I just received this notice from the Southwest Center for Asian Pacific American Law regarding internships. I cut and pasted it...this is a direct quote:

Worker’s Rights (WR) Program

This WR Program will educate high students who are or will be wage earners about their rights in the work place...

Thursday, September 04, 2003

Moore v. Regents of University of California
Supreme Court of California (1991)

This really sucks:

Moore goes to UCLA medical center to seek treatment for hairy-call leukemia, and the doctors tell him that he needs to have his spleen removed or he will die. Moore agrees, and they remove his spleen. What the doctors don't tell Moore is that his cells are unique and worth a LOT of money.

So, Moore undergoes seven years of follow-up procedures and testing, giving additional tissue samples, believing that all this is important to his treatment. UCLA ends up isolating a cell line from Moore's cells, patents the cell line, receives hundreds of thousands of dollars in funding. The cell line has a projected worth in the billions of dollars.

Of course Moore sues. The case goes all the way to the Supreme Court of California. And guess what? They ruled that Moore could not sue for conversion of property. He could not reap any benefits from the cell line that UCLA had profited from. But he could sue for breach of fiduciary duty...but that is hard to prove and it still doesn't mean he gets any of the profits.

Sometimes, the cases I study are so unfair.
Guerilla Warfare

hey guys, go to and download fliers and stencils. i am planning on posting the fliers on campus. how about a synchronized campaign?