Monday, April 05, 2004

Annual Boat/Vegas Trip

Friday night: I arrived in Vegas already drunk, so I have little recollection of what happened afterwards. I somehow ended up at Studio 54 and remember being in a horrible mood all night. I am told that while observing a group of hexagenarians, I decided that they couldn't dance worth shit and proceeded to storm the dance floor to show them how to dance (nevermind the fact I could hardly stand). Friday night resulted in my being way too hung over to drink Saturday night. Having been stone-cold sober when most were drunk, I am readily able to remember:
* Mat walking up and down the hallway, singing love songs, dripping wet from having thrown himself into the freezing lake at 1am. Later, he complained of being very very cold, having apparently forgtten why. Then he fell asleep under the dining table. Despite all this, he still managed to cook a very mean spaghetti sauce the next day.
* Male stripping
* Throwing of very large rocks onto crotches
* Improptu freestyle rapping
* The Urinator, who tried all night to establish to us that he did other things than urinate in the corner of rooms while drunk
* Captain McNasty. If I could erase a person from my memory altogether, a la Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, this guy would be on the top of my list. I guess there's a dubious kind of pride to take in being the one person someone would choose to forget, but having a self-proclaimed title like Captain McNasty probably prepares you for any flack you could get for living up to your name.

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