Friday, March 10, 2006

dreamland where are you?

i can't sleep. must have been the giant cup of coffee at 9pm. or the five cups of tea at 11pm.

since my brain shut down about three hours ago, rendering me unable to absorb any more law, i have:

* found the peruvian cultural institute's cuzco website for reservation availability on the inca trail. it's in spanish, but it's not too hard to find where the availability search engine is. looks like i may be able to book inca trail reservations less than 2 months in advance. sweet. macchu picchu...i long for thee.

* found a $97 one way flight to freeport, bahamas. the second time this week i've seen this deal. had to resist the yearning of every fiber in my being to click the "buy" button. for the one way ticket only.

* tried to hypnotize myself to sleep. twice. so please do not be surprised if i start clucking like a chicken when you say the word "point."

* cleaned out my belly button quite thoroughly. it's amazing how much lint fits in there! gross. but awe-inspiring.

* thought obsessively about my cat, Mouse. she recently learned how to play fetch, is now very insistent upon it. too cute.

i leave for hong kong in two weeks. can't wait!

1 comment:

TurtleEater said...

Your always traveling! So jealous.. have fun in HK =P