Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Don´t Move

Once in awhile I come across a book that grips me and doesn´t let go until I have stayed up all night with it, fell asleep clutching it with the lights on, cried into my sheet, and spent the whole next day reading very, very slowly for fear it will end. Don´t Move, by Margaret Mazzantini, is one of those books. It is incredibly graphic, vulgar, gripping, heart-rending and gorgeously written.

English language books sell at a premium here in Antigua, so it behoves me to trade my used copy of this book in for a discount on teh next book I buy. But I can´t. This one I´m lugging all the way home.

1 comment:

J said...

I just finished "Life of Pi." Oh my goodness, it is absolutly one of my favorite books. Am starting on Brother's Karamazov. That's the silver lining about being unemployed and waiting on the edge of the seat for bar results, I have plenty of time to read...for pleasure. Miss you! Can't wait to hang out!