Monday, July 01, 2002

Something i wrote while cracked out at work, based on a hallucinatory daydream i once had:

There is a statue near a creek
Smelling of fear, covered with moss
A talisman for those who seek
The memories of the lost.

I look into the statue’s eyes
And find myself floating under the Bridge of Sighs
Falling through the wishing-well
To the eighteenth level of hell

Over the River Styx, its black waters a rising tide
Past the pit where the serpents writhe
Into a room where I beat down Cerberus
The three-headed dog guarding a door
With a placard labeled “Nefarious”
I pick the lock and fall through the floor

And arrive at a church—full to capacity
With the poor huddled masses who conquered adversity
Only to become anonymous faces
In a sea of forgotten places

There’s no room for me in this church
So I turn within and search
My soul’s sanctum for a seat
While my mind rages on to the voice of the proverbial beat

Muffled whispers in the din
“Bring the eternal note of sadness in”

I run, struggling to fight the insanity
While holding my head and screaming profanities

Run through the hallways of time immemorial
Past forgotten aspects of the aural and pictorial

Past classrooms full of mute teachers
Teaching deaf children—past truth-seekers,
Prophets, professors, lyricists, liars
Politicians, philosophers, false messiahs
Throwing their thoughts into a funeral pyre

From the fire I steal a spark
That feebly assuages the deep cold dark
And in the distance there appears
A torch made of tears

And holding the flickering flame, I light the torch
That transports me back to my front porch
Where waiting for me under a dirty tent
Is the Ark of the Covenant
And inside, between the cherubim’s wings
I find what I’ve been looking for:
Myself---nothing less, nothing more.

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