Monday, September 23, 2002

Life really sucks ass right about now.

i just ate 1/2 scoop of ice cream, and i feel so guilty. i hate this cholesterol-free, taste-free diet thing. it puts me in a bad mood.

which reminds me: i am so fucking tired of this prospective employer stringing me along!! FIVE interviews and TWO job offers later, they have yet to give me a definitive answer as to whether i can quit my current job to work for them. goddammit, i am at a standstill because their offer is too good to take lightly, and all they can do is make vague promises (that THEY initiate, mind you) and tell me to keep in touch or that they're just on the edge of a decision. I'm even in salary negotiations with them for chrissakes, yet i've received no concrete offer letter and no go-ahead to resign my current job. I'm losing hope...and self-esteem. A year after graduating from college, I'm still puttering around in a dead-end boring job, having learned little to nothing that I couldn't have taught myself, about to be knee-deep in law school application fee debt when i have no idea how the hell i'm going to be able to afford law school in the first place, living paycheck-to-paycheck with no clear vision of my future career plans, no longer on speaking terms with my evil stepmother, and generally stressed the hell out for fear that i am, in reality, merely a mediocre peon unwilling to admit my inferiority.

okay, i'm done whining.

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