Saturday, December 06, 2003

It's 6 am and my brain is full.

I work from 8-10 am though, so it is useless to try to sleep. Being too disoriented to study any longer, I can only sit and worry for the next two hours about how exactly I am going to repay $40,000 in loans should I fail out of law school this week.

Stress-induced delerium? Maybe. Whatever it is, I can't believe I'm studying my ass off, harder than I have ever studied before, to HOPE to get a C. Whatever illusions of intelligence i once had have been utterly crushed by two words: bell curve.

I believe I can name the people in my class who are getting A's...and I can point out the ones who are getting B's...and none of them is me, so all logic leads inexorably to my status as mediocre.

In a state of hopelessness, I went on emode to take an IQ test, and found that according to them, my IQ has dropped by 26 points. How encouraging.

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