Sunday, January 30, 2005

my boyfriend has a bowl cut.

Sorry baby, I just can't drown in silence any longer....

yes, everyone, he has a big huge bowl cut. straight across the forehead. he's trying to grow his hair out. i'm sure it will look great in a few months, and personally i think it's adorable--my little cousin has the same haircut. but his friends seem to think it's HILARIOUS. so, the caring and wonderful girlfriend i am, i've jumped on the wagon and continue to tease him mercilessly.

yesterday when he was driving me home on his way to LA:

Me: "Honey, drive carefully, okay? Whatever you do, don't drink and drive tonight...because...that might look like a helmet on your head, but it really isn't. It won't protect you in an accident."
He: "Get out of my car!" *opens door*

I spilled out of the car laughing, while he drove off: "Hrmph, I'm going to use my hair to get myself a new girl tonight!"

i cracked up so hard i could barely unlock the gate to get into my place.


A.S. Dumont said...

you REALLY must post a picture of it! lol

K said...

carrie, LOL, you KNOW your hair has reached legendary proportions when news of it travels halfway around the world to japan!!!

a.s.: i would love to post pics but fear the repercussions. this is a man who is privy to my morning mushroom/chicken/mullet hair--and he has a digital camera.