Saturday, June 15, 2002

so sherry wrote about this male that she met, and from her description, i envisioned the following:

a white guy with dark blonde dreadlocks sitting atop a mound of cushions, smelling of patchouli, totally Goa, wearing a bright monk-orange loincloth and playing the sitar (thank you gina) while occasionally spewing forth random, half-contemplative and helf-nonsensical phrases.

see what happens when i get too bored at work? my mind goes off on all sorts of crazy tangents....i was intensely curious becuase this new mental picture was hilarious to me....but i REALLY started to want to know the true description of this guy when the imagined sitar music started floating around my head. sounded curiously like The Beatles' Within you, Without you, and drove me crazy.

so it turns out that he's just a pretty normal guy. but my little imagination-gone-rampant vignette still makes me laugh.

Went to San Diego this weekend, and learned more about Thurgood Marshall than in EVER, EVER, wanted to know. Also got a little too saturated for my own good, and now i have a sore throat. And i bit my tongue last night and it is swollen and painful.

San Diego is such a beautiful city...I want to go to the zoo! and the beach! and Tijuana!

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