Thursday, March 10, 2005

some thoughts

I mailed Sherry a book today: The Bride Stripped Bare. A very illuminating read.

It’s about how no matter how much time you spend with someone, even if you’re married, even if you have kids together…you can never really know another person. When I look around at my friends and family, I wonder how well I really know each of them. I’ve known my sister since the day she was born, but do I really know who she is? The interior of a person is such unexplored—and inexplorable—terrain.

I think this is why I love reading blogs. Even though blogs are necessarily a representation of only the things the author wants the reader to see, it’s intriguing to see what people have done with their opportunity to exhibit. What beautiful paintings of their lives and experiences they have created with little more than words.

When I read my friends’ blogs, it adds a depth to our relationship, because when we see each other in person, sometimes there just isn’t time or opportunity to tell each other what’s going on in our minds. When I read strangers’ blogs, it’s like peeking into a neighbor’s lit, unshuttered window at night. To a certain extent, all readers of blogs are voyeurs and all bloggers exhibitionists.

1 comment:

Z said...

I think I've said something similar on a few occassions. Even though you only see what they want you to see or rather what they're willing to share, the choice in what is being told is often as telling as the story itself.