Thursday, August 15, 2002

alright, i am convinced that Fate woke up this morning and decided to take a big fat shit on me yet again, since i got into ANOTHER car accident today. i was rear-ended by a F-150 and the damage isn't too bad at all, but dammit, i'm sick of car trouble!!!!!!! i got a new car so i wouldn't have to deal with taking my old car into the shop, and a month later.... *CRUNCH*! i hope the girl who hit me is nice enough to pay for the damage out-of-pocket, as we are trying to keep the insurance companies out of this.

on the brighter side....i am still basking in the glow of a rather relaxing and much-needed weekend away in big bear where i went alpine sledding, tried to hike, breathed crisp, cool mountain air to the delight of my smog-infused lungs, walked around the lake, watched vanilla sky and blissfully soaked in the jacuzi till i was all wrinkled and resembled a 108-pound prune. and i ate massive amounts of meat... dr. atkins would be proud. :)

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