Sunday, August 04, 2002

Last night was truly an anomaly.

Lisa's 22nd birthday. I got her a very cute transparent shirt that I left in Stella's car. It was great seeing all of the girls again, but alas the venue was not very conducive to conversation, so I didn't get to really talk to many of them.

I was also blitzed comatose the whole time, which I guess would impede my social skills quite a bit.

It was nothing short of hilarious to sit and watch my friends get scooped away in mid-sentence by the waiters who descend like vultures upon the nearest single-looking girl. We'd literally be in the middle of a conversation, and the waiter obviously knew we were talking, when --off she goes!---she'd be dragged away still trying to shout back the last half of her sentence to those at the table. This happened a number of times, but it didn't get any less amusing (although a tad rude to me, it seemed).

I must say that the decorations were really nice, but that doesn't make up for the complete lack of presentable males. Stella and Candice and I went to the smoking room to share a smoke, and right when we lit up, this magically annoying guy suddenly appeared, took quite a liking to stella (or the cigarette in her hand?), and brought back a friend to partake of our tobacco. Ugh. And he couldn't even take a decent hit--ran to the trashcan coughing, while still attempting to brag about his job and company etc.etc., and I thought, "This is why I do not frequent these places--weak-ass guys who have so little game that they need to pay exorbitant amounts of money to even get a chance." What kind of drunken stupor would any self-respecting girl have to be in to ever give any of these creeps the time of day?

I made a brave attempt at dancing, but for some reason I just wasn't feeling the place. I didn't even get up to dance to The Ditty, and i LOVE that song! i can't believe i used to enjoy this sort of environment. I kinda wished I was back where i was earlier that night, in a bar somewhere in k-town talking about preemptive war against Iraq and getting a PADI Openwater diving license.

So here i am, $30 poorer and none the wiser. I never learn.

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