Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Random update

I have inexplicably been seized with an intense and overwhelming hunger, even though I ate a tuna sandwich just 3 hours ago. I ate three seaweed flavored saltine crackers, but I’m still hungry.
On a better note, I’m not homeless anymore! J found an awesome place, third story, canyon view, high ceilings, wooden dining area, 2 bed 2 bath for $1200 a month!!! We lucked out!
But something is really freaking me out about my future roommate: we seem to be psychically connected on all things pertinent to the apartment. We send each other emails about decorating ideas, but whatever I think about she’s already thought about and vice versa—it’s like the twilight zone. I wanted a world map, she had already bought one. She told me about multi-country theme, but I had already been talking endlessly about it to my friends here in HK for the past week. Pretty soon we’ll have a joint answering machine recording where we each speak every other word.
My dad, who has been incognito somewhere in China for the past month, suddenly surfaced in Hong Kong yesterday! I’m meeting him tonight for dinner.

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