Monday, June 06, 2005

illiterate literature major

Today was my first day at work. It's so funny feeling like an illiterate fool...I can't read any of the signs posted anywhere, get the "send" and "cancel" buttons reversed on the fax machine, and have to get someone else to type in people's Chinese names for me on documents.

Another thing I am surprised at is the almost universal weakness of handshakes around these parts. I feel like I'm breaking their fingerbones. It goes like this: both of us reach out to shake hands, and while I have just begun a firm, don't-mess-with-me-i-am-small-but-i-will-CRUSH-you shake, I realize that they have commenced the why-you-precious-lotus-blossom-i-am-sure-your-hands-are-made-of-jelly-hence-i-will-emulate-that-consistency-with-my-own-hand shake, causing me to immediately withdraw pressure to compensate for the disequilibrium of handshaking force. This results in a strange, dual-phase handshake on my part, starting out firm and ending weakly. Not a very good impression either way.

It's good to be thrown in the midst of law I don't understand. Makes me grope around for similarities and reinforces my own knowledge through comparing the differences.

Today, I drafted a will. I didn't tell them I haven't taken Wills & Trusts yet.

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