Saturday, June 11, 2005

Last night I ate sushi and then went bar-hopping, ending up at 3am at a foot massage place in Causeway Bay called Big Bucket. You sit in oversized loungers while soaking your feet in big buckets of hot water. The hour-long foot massage was amazing. I giggled my way through most of it.

Got home around 4:30am and fell straight to sleep. Woke up this morning at 11 and headed to an Indian dance class. It was a lot of fun, and a great workout, even if I danced with the grace of a club-footed drunken penguin.

I found a charming alley right by my apartment that is an open-air market during the daytime. They sell all sorts of produce, seafood and meat. I bought an eggplant, some Chinese broccoli, a bag of shallots, two lemons, a papaya, and two gorgeous tomatoes for about US $3.00. I wasn't brave enough to buy meat from them yet--there are several butchers who hang their meat up on big hooks and slice off a piece for you.

The fishmongers display their dismembered fish on styrofoam trays, expertly butchered so that you can see the fish's heart still beating even as its body lay in pieces.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i LOVE foot massages, I was so addicted when I first tried it, went almost every other day during the first 2 weeks. Rehab was a long and painful journey, but I'm now down to once every 2 weeks or so.